The guys on the fort.
Girls not allowed!
The view from the fort.My extra talented husband recently finished a project that our boys have been waiting patiently for: A fort. What inspired this major project? Well,
THIS BOOK of course. (Every family with boys should have at least one copy on their shelves.) My husband started this project a few months ago and worked on it faithfully and steadily when he found time in his very busy schedule. He would often enlist the help of a child so that they could be part of the building process. In addition, he could spend quality time with his kids while at the same time teaching practical skills such as: measuring, calculation, design, estimation, wood-working, drilling, hammering. Not only did my husband complete a wonderful imaginative play-structure for our highly energetic boys, but taught them the valuable lesson of working with your hands to create something of beauty.
What features does it have? Oh, only the best for my boys: at 300 square feet, this fort boasts a trap door, tiki torches, a ballista, a rope ladder (coming soon), tarp roof (also coming) and a view from about 8 feel above the ground.(perfect to spy on unsuspecting neighbors!) Chris jokingly says we should put a flat screen T.V. out there for the real men. What man would argue with that?
What a gift of lasting value for my boys. I imagine many future hours of boy play in the fort where my family will create lasting memories of childhood. (and my husband mentions that it's a great place for him to go when he's in trouble with me!!) What a labor of love from their dad. Thanks, Chris.