One of the biggest reasons I love being Catholic is the fact that the church celebrates seven sacraments: Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist, Confirmation, Marriage, Annointing of the Sick and Holy Orders. We CELEBRATE the receiving of these sacraments and grow in holiness when each one is received. Henry became a Christian last week as we baptized him in front of his godparents, family,friends and the entire STM church community. Our fifth child was as good as gold as our pastor slathered him with chrism oil and baptized him (in his birthday suit, no less) in the name of the father, son and holy spirit. His hair smelled of the sweet chrism throughout the week and served as a gentle reminder of our commitment to raise Henry up as a Catholic christian. At our parish, parents are instructed to arrive at the church with the infant clothed in regular baby attire only to change into the white baptismal garment AFTER the actual baptism. (This was not the practice at my home parish where my older children were baptized.) This symbolizes the child becoming holy and clean...white as snow..without sin. After the child has been changed, there is a final blessing in front of the congregation so that all may witness the "new" christian in white and be a part of raising him as a good Catholic. (I'm thankful for this since we need all the help and prayers we can get!) After the baptism, we celebrated with many good friends and family at our home. What a wonderful day to celebrate.... the most important day in Henry's life! His baptism in Christ Jesus!
Fr. John baptizing Henry Ingatius with family and friends witnessing.
Friends and family afterwards...
Godparents: Mary and Scott Workman (My father in law stood in for Scott who is currently serving in the Middle East with the Air Force.)
Beautiful! What an exciting day for everyone. I love that they baptize in the flesh there. We don't do that at our church. Thanks for sharing such a special occasion with us readers.
Henry is almost as good looking as his Uncle Jonathan.
Oh, and hey...isn't it TIME for you guys to have another???
very exciting
Take care, MC.
Yeah with these good looks I should have as many children as I can to pass on these fabulous genes. But seriously, Henry is beautiful!! Becky and I are so happy for you guys. At this time in the family with Hank and Mary Amelia being born, it makes us really want another baby.
I love the smell of chrism. Won't bathe a baby until it fades.
Can't say that I've washed his hair yet, it smells sooo good! What fun!
Oh joyous day!! Welcome Henry to the family!
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