Friday, May 04, 2007

And I even got paid to do it!!

Here is a short article of what I did last weekend (I'm in the picture on the right with my head down), in addition to:

1. Attended the play at Rebecca's High School, RagTime...quite a masterpiece!
2. Put the finishing touches on a talk on prayer (after midnight, of course)
3. Created an end of year slide show for youth ministry (after midnight, of course)
4. Fed, clothed, and cared for five children intermittently with the understanding help of my wonderful partner in crime
5. Spoke to 5th graders about continuing their faith development into middle school
6. Graduated 8th graders to high school confirmation
7. Recognized our sunday school volunteers for all their hard work during the faith development year
8. Organized an end of year ice cream social
9. Filled over 30 gift bags with prayer boxes and "100 Grand" chocolate bars as gifts for catechists
10. Enjoyed saying "see you in the Fall" to the over 200 youth and adults who participated in youth ministry events this year.

And guess what? I'm officially off for the next few months (unofficially I still have loose ends to tie up)but the best part is that I get my Sunday nights back to be with my wonderful family until September. Thanks be to God for a wonderful faith development year and for giving me more blessings than I could have ever imagined.


Anonymous said...

Tell your MOther's name, Mary?

Georgie Tamayo Clemens said...

Yes, indeed...Mary...