Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Turkey Talk!

Jack and Gus's schools held their Thanksgiving Celebrations today. They were both dressed up as Indians. Jack's Kindergarten class prepared a feast for parents, and staff, complete with a costume parade and drum music (Jack was the drummer). Gus's Pre-K class held a short concert where the kids sang songs that go kind of like this: "Hay yonna, Ho yonna, Hey yonn---NAH" and "A turkey ran away before Thanksgiving Day, they said they'll make a roast out of me if I should stay!" I could not be at both events, so poor Chris had to step in and make an appearance at Gus's school while I worked at helping to set up at Jack's feast. Unfortunately I had the camera and could only take pictures of Jack's event. You'll just have to imagine Gus's celebration. All in a days work!

Jack marching to the beat of his drum.

As soon as the boys got home, they compared their costumes (made of painted brown paper bags, feathers, beads etc), spoke about their individual celebrations, and then finally moved on to the more interesting things of boy life: A battle between the Pilgrims and Indians clothed in their new uniforms.

Jack: Gus, you are a Pilgrim, so you have to wear shoes. Indians don't wear shoes.
I'm Squanto so I'm not wearing shoes.

Gus: Who is Squanto?

Jack: He's the cool Indian that taught the Pilgrims how to make Thanksgiving food. He helped them hunt and cook their food 'cause there were no people on the island...only Indians. That was the start of the First Thanksgiving.

Gus: Oh. OK. I'm a Pilgrim with a gold cape and I'm part Zorro. OK? Hey yanna, Ho yanna, Hey Ya NAH!

Jack: Yeah. You shoot me and then I'll shoot you. I think you are the dark knight.

The boys head upstairs planning the details of their battle.

I'll give them about 5 minutes before I hear the blood-curdling scream indicating the end of the battle.

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