Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Deja Vu

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted, but the front door has been revolving with visitors, dinners and family wishing this family of 7 all the best since our new bundle has entered our lives.

Despite all the craziness and business going on around here, Rebecca turned 14 on the 29th of September. Her special day came and went with little hoopla, a small gift from the family and a plate of brownies given to her by a neighbor. Her actual birthday party was planned for the 22nd of September with me totally intending to give birth on the 27th. I thought it would be safe in planning her party a week early, but God had other plans. Early on the 22nd as I lay asleep in bed, I could feel the contractions of labor, but was determined to talk my body out of being in labor. "No. This is NOT labor! I have my daughter's 14th birthday party scheduled for tonight, and IT MUST GO ON!" I would reposition myself in the bed in the hopes of stopping the contractions to no avail. As I lay in the bed--half asleep--half awake--my mind raced with all the things I still needed to do before the baby came: Becca's birthday party, youth ministry movie night, lunches for the kids, carpool in the morning, band carpool in the evening, notes for catechists....and on...and on....but at that very second my water broke, and I jumped out of the bed faster than I ever had my entire pregnancy! (I didn't want to mess up my brand new king size mattress!)

I quietly called to my husband from the bathroom, "Chris". He instinctively jumped out of the bed...ready to go...a man familiar with the protocols of having a baby. He threw on his clothes, typed a fast e-mail, and accompanied me to the hospital.

Four hours later, we held our 5th child in our arms, trying on various names, wondering which would fit this child's face. In no time, the hospital room phone rang. It was my first-born child, Rebecca. She was calling from the high school. She was in the band hall, surrounded by 4 friends and had called to find out if she had a new brother or sister, " MOM! What did you have??? What did you have??" My mind raced as I heard her question. I looked down at her new baby brother....."didn't I just give birth to her?...wasn't it was just yesterday that I gave birth to Rebecca? Nick? Jack? Gus?" "How can it be that my first born is big enough to CALL me from her school and ask about her new baby brother? " Time flies...slips away.. and before we realize it, our children are fully grown.

"Becca, you have a baby brother." I responded to laughter and glee on the other end of the phone. The teenagers around her started text-messaging and calling others spreading the news to the rest of their friends from youth group and school. Rebecca was thrilled and I was happy too. But also a little sad knowing that she was so grown up and that in no time the rest of my kids would do the same....Including the new life I held in my arms. I shook off the sentimentality quickly and got back to the business of life, "Becca, your birthday party will go on as planned. I'll call Grandma and Grandpa and give them instructions on what you have planned and where your friends will sleep." "OK MOM, I'll tell everyone!"

Becca's party went on without a hitch, the girls had a great time...without me being there, and I missed it. But though she may not realize it yet, her father and I gave her a birthday gift that will live on when we are long gone: another love forever.

Happy Birthday Rebecca!


Michelle said...

I think it is so wonderful that not only is your daughter old enough to call you to find out about the baby, but that she and a group of friends were excited and really interested in the good news.

Georgie Tamayo Clemens said...

She's a very special person and has some really good friends. Thanks Michelle!

Anonymous said...

Ack! I totally forgot her birthday was so close to mine. Tell her Happy Birthday for me, will you? Is it too late to buy her that drum set?

And congrats on the new kid! Can't wait to see you all again.

Georgie Tamayo Clemens said...


Please Adrian...I know she would LOVE a drum set, but I would NOT for obvious reasons :)) I'll tell her happy birthday and thanks for your kind words! I hope all is well with you and that Aunt Leech and Uncle Joe are well.

Laura The Crazy Mama said...

cccrying...I felt the same when Katrina came into the room and got to be the first to hold Mari (even before me!).

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Becca.
From Aunt Alice